Application of Data Hub based on web 3.0 in DigiHealth platform of project IVIRSE

3 min readApr 12, 2022

The IVIRSE project has attracted public attention recently as one of the most prominent projects in terms of the application of blockchain technology to the healthcare system. Particularly, the highlight of the project lies in IVIRSE’s DigiHealth platform, which we shall talk about in more detail in the following article.

For more information about the project, you can refer to our IVIRSE project overview article here, or visit the website

An overview of DigiHealth platform of IVIRSE

Thanks to the high security and authenticity of Blockchain technology, the developers of IVIRSE have proposed a protection model in personal medical data sharing programs with a high degree of responsiveness in performance as well as a low computational system.

System Architecture


Use Case

The goal of the DigiHealth platform is to establish a supply chain of healthcare services and digihealth property ownership for users, which meets the following requirements:

  1. Ensure the transparency of the supply chain
  2. There will be smart contracts for insurance and supply chain mediation
  3. Ability to verify medical staff credentials

The potential of a data hub based on Web 3.0

We come to the most important question of this article, which is about data hub applicability. In particular, the founders have a desire to focus on 3 core values ​​that the data hub can bring to potentially change the lives of billions of users globally:

  1. Share Medical data around the world
  2. Store Medical data in the Cloud
  3. Explore or analyze, store or share, create or request high-quality data to start training AI models

AI Services for supply chain

One thing that is certain to happen in the future is the inevitable incorporation of AI into blockchain technology, specifically helping to upgrade smart contracts in Dapps, to make them much “smarter”. IVIRSE platform also supports regular centralized applications in using AI APIs on the decentralized IVIRSE marketplace. That way, users may be able to find better AI providers with better prices in this marketplace. Here are some cases where smart contracts can leverage AI to solve problems:

  1. Data crow-sourcing
  2. Data royalty
  3. AI — facilitated Quality

Last words

It is still too early to talk about what the data science revolution could bring to the blockchain industry in the future, but pioneering projects like IVIRSE may have already begun to take their first steps on that journey, heading towards a hopeful future.

For more information about the project, please visit IVIRSE’s website:

