Access to and transparency of patient health data are currently two of the largest issues facing the healthcare sector. Health data is seen as a significant resource for use in scientific study or for commercial purposes by medical facilities including hospitals, clinics, research centers, or even pharmaceutical corporations. But these kinds of information are not easy to access due to privacy policy. That’s why IVIRSE brings to the table the solutions to data transparency.
Overview of IVIRSE
Since the outbreak of the COVID pandemic, the healthcare system has gone through a lot of changes. People can now buy necessary drugs online easily instead of going to the hospital for a check-up. The pandemic is now slowing down but the digital transformation is still going on. IVIRSE was founded to digitize the traditional healthcare industry with innovative solutions.
Patients have always been put at the core of everything we have produced as our ecosystem has evolved. By taking advantage of blockchain technology, IVIRSE can give patients better protection of their data and full control of what they want to do with it such as storing, sharing, and even monetizing. As our ecosystem develops, patients can enjoy not only the best solutions but also to complete control over every demand. IVIRSE aims to create a universe in which your health data is treated like a real asset which you can fully own, access, share and sell.
Challenges In Data Transparency
One of the problems in the healthcare industry is transparency and accessibility to patients’ health data. This data is an important resource for medical facilities but unfortunately they are inaccessible due to the privacy of user data. Personal health data cannot be public or else it will violate the privacy of users in the first place.
In fact, most Western nations consider accessing individuals’ health details without their consent illegal, not even for scientific research purposes. Thus, it usually takes more time to develop a new drug or treatment because the amount of high-quality data is not enough.
Another situation is witnessed in the Asia-Pacific region where users’ health data is not always transparent and legally protected. Here the owner’s data is purchased illegally by third Party CROs (Contract Research Organizations) at a cheaper price without their consent. This leads to lack of transparency which causes data inaccuracies, and ineffective and disqualified clinical trial and drug producing processes.
IVIRSE’s Solutions
To overcome this issue, IVIRSE brings an innovative solution for packaging, sharing, and monetizing data where patients have complete control of everything. IVIRSE provides a marketplace, in which patients can use their own Electronic Medical Record or Personal Healthcare Record and package them into NFT assets. These assets will be totally secured and can only be accessed by the patients. They can choose to share the assets or even sell them to others in IVIRSE marketplace. All actions will be protected and operated by blockchain technology.
Medical facilites such as hospitals, clinics, research centers…will benefit a lots from this platform as they can request access to any health data they want using IVIRSE tokens. In addition, they are also protected by our platform. The data integrity is warranted and secured by blockchain technology, This means there will be no interference to the data they purchased and they have full consent of using data.
The health data that patients provide must be verified by hospitals linked with ISOFH to ensure accuracy. This will help to accelerate the clinical trial and drug manufacturing processes.
IVIRSE’s mission is to solve the problem of data transparency by creating an ecosystem operating on the DigiHealth platform. This platform will be beneficial to hundreds of hospitals, clinics, and medical facilites in the host country and later expand to the global, with the ability to serve millions of patients. Our innovative solutions will completely change the health industry in the future.
For more information about this project, please visit the website: