3 min readOct 24, 2022



Nowadays, the way people interact with the actual world around them has changed thanks to the development of technology. Since 2021, the term “Metaverse” has received a lot of attention all around the world and has still been a hot topic in the technology industry. In the past few years, various technologies including artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing, blockchain, and virtual and augmented reality have had a great impact in the healthcare field.


Metaverse refers to the shared online space integrating the virtual and the real worlds where individuals can join with their digital identities. Each user will experience an underlying environment that presents a consistent state to all users so they can have their own perspective on the virtual world. This digital world has been broadenly discussed and has been considered the infrastructure for the next generation Internet.

Facebook’s rebranding as Meta in 2021 has led various famous technology companies to begin and accelerate their business models on the basis of the Metaverse, and the healthcare field is also keeping up with this. Some healthcare companies have also changed to the Metaverse to take advantage of this technology to provide better healthcare services. This article will emphasize the benefits of Metaverse to this field.

How is Metaverse beneficial to healthcare?

Source: Medical Project

A lot of experts in technology have evaluated how healthcare systems may change and develop with the Metaverse in the future. During the COVID-19 pandemic, augmented reality has been utilized by the World Health Organization to guide COVID-19 respondents and mental health experts to use virtual reality for treating people who are struggling with mental illnesses and emotional difficulties such as anxiety disorders, hallucinations, post-traumatic stress, delusions, and hallucinations. Many medical schools also use it for educational purposes. This has proved that the Metaverse has lots of benefits in helping medical professionals.

Lately, augmented reality, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence have been used by surgeons in leading hospitals and universities. These technologies give a 3D view of a patient’s body so surgeons can plan and perform surgeries more effectively but they still have several disadvantages such as building realistic surgical objects within a computer-generated space, and limitations to specific clinical settings. Metaverse can solve these problems easily by offering realistic interaction among doctors, patients, and objects.

Other advantages of Metaverse to healthcare are personalized health data monitoring, analysis of patients’ clinical data, and complete elimination of physical and paper-based patients’ records. Your personal information is easy to access yet secure since only authorized individual can reach with Blockchain technology. This is an important part of Metaverse because they make sure decentralized communities are governed democratically via smart contracts.

In the health metaverse, professionals can try more collaborative treatment programs. Moreover, information can be exchanged between doctors and clinicians faster, which helps in diagnosing causes of health problems more quickly. Doctors can also monitor patient activity more easily, which leads to better diagnosing and treating illness.


The benefits of Metaverse for healthcare are obvious as written above. But we still need to overcome some difficulties first, such as people’s attitudes about online treatment. Besides, this technology is not cheap to acquire. However, these issues will soon be solved with IVIRSE — a Digihealth platform with the purpose of reducing costs and improving outcomes for patients.

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